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Highs to Lows

Not really photography related, but horsey related all the same. For those that havent meet my pony Sunny, imagine a 12.2 Chestnut stunning pony, with just a little too much cheekiness, who is a been there done that, won the tropy kinda guy. Hes been in eventing work ( carriage driving eventing) for prob 6 weeks now, and hes probably as fit as hes ever been in the last 5 or so years, if not fitter. My daughter rode him on Saturday for the first time out in the big paddocks, and had an absolute ball. (shes still learning, but having a lot of fun which is the main thing). Heres a video showing them having fun cantering around doing pace work...

That was the Saturday.

Sunday he had a rest day as is normal practice if we are not at an event.

Monday I go out to the farm to work him in the carriage, and he has laminitis.

Hes never even looked liked having laminitis in his life before... and its heartbeaking as I cant seem to get him to get any better despite locking him up and removing any grass and grain from his feed. Hes pretty much living on hay...Its so distressing seeing your horses and ponies in any sort of pain or stress. I always wish that I could transfer any pain that they are feeling to me. And after a night of migranes Im seriously hoping that someone was listening to my wish and Ill head out to the farm after work today and find a happy little gg, somehow - Im not sure it works like that...

Any hints or tips muchly appreciated!!!


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